
Here, we highlight a variety of engaging activities designed to inspire a love for STEM. From hands-on programming workshops through robotic afternoons to open days at our robotics basecamp. Each event is crafted to spark curiosity and foster learning in both children and adults. Here is a list of upcoming events.
FLL Summer camp 2024

A week-long summer camp focused on FIRST LEGO League competition, core values and discovering the theme of the new season.

Summer Robotic camp 2024

A week-long summer camp focused on LEGO robotics, programming, and teamwork. For this one, we are preparing some secret surprises.

Past events

Dive into many past events, including the CZ.NIC Academy, Maker Faire Prague, and workshops for children teachers, all aimed at building skills and excitement in the world of technology and robotics. Below is a list of past events in which we participated or hosted.
STEM Project day June 2024

A one-day event for schools focused on STEM. The Expo is part of the SpikeUP project and will be held at the beautiful venue, Opero.

Prague Summer Opener 2024

A two-day competition in speedcubing, which we held in the representative premises of the SVC Jednicka.

VědaFest 2024

An inspirational day themed “The Roots of Science.” We will be there with our robots to engage young people in STEM and robotics.

LEGO PlayDay 2024

A week-long day camp focused on LEGO robotics and programming. This season was focused on teamwork and cooperative robots.

Workshops for teachers

Every teacher needs inspiration. At these workshops, we provide exactly that, followed by many useful tips for teaching robotics.

BETT Kladno

Lots of workshops for teachers about robotics and STEM, with us showing what you can do with LEGO Education sets.

LEGO Zero impact week

A week-long day camp focused on LEGO robotics and programming. This season was focused on teamwork and cooperative robots.

SpikeUP Expo No. 4

Expo is the final project day of a school project SpikeUP. The project is a collaboration of HobbyRobot and LEGO Company.

Programing workshops

Workshops for kids who want to see if they like programming. They get to write their first ever  simple program.

SpikeUP Expo No. 3

Expo is the final project day of a school project SpikeUP. The project is a collaboration of HobbyRobot and LEGO Company.

CZ.NIC Academy

A two-day course for 10-12 year-olds. Perfect for kids just starting out in robotics eager to know what this world has to offer.

Open day in our workshop

A day when our robotic basecamp is open to the public. Everybody can come and chat about robotics or try anything they fancy.

Robotic day camp 2023

A week long day camp focused on LEGO robotics and programming. This season was focused on teamwork and cooperative robots.

SpikeUP Expo No. 2

Expo is the final project day of a school project SpikeUP. The project is a collaboration of HobbyRobot and LEGO Company.

Robotic week

A week full of workshops focused on robotics, 3D modeling and electronics. From very basic to very complex levels of difficulty.

VědaFest 2023

A day outdoors where science and education groups show what they do, including our robot demos.

Maker Faire Prague 2023

A week long camp focused on LEGO robotics and programming. This season was focused on teamwork and cooperative robots.

FLL Challenge Prague tournament

We hosted the Czech regional round of the FLL. It was a fun event filled with robots, excitement and teamwork.

Hackathon 3.0

One of many online events we make for children to brainstorm ideas, cooperate and come up with solutions to real-world problems.

LEGO Workshops for teachers

Every teacher needs inspiration. These workshops help teachers find new ideas for projects with kids on teaching robotics.

BETT Velvary 2022

Lots of workshops for teachers about robotics and STEM, with us showing what you can do with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime sets.

Maker Faire Prague 2022

One of the most famous maker events. This year we had a stand with LEGO robots where everybody could program their own robot.

Looking for even older events? Such as Summer Camp 2022, Science Fair of the AV CR, Game Jam, Hackathon 2.0, Konferenci Od vajíčka k robotu, Robotics 4.0 at CIRC CVUT, Future Port Prague and others? Contact us...


If you want to send us an e-mail:

HobbyRobot team
Bartákova 1200/4
140 00 Prague 4
Czech Republic